Hackintosh questions are a legal grey area and because of that they are not allowed on Super User anymore. For the same reason I believe they should not be allowed on Apple.SE either.
EDIT: This really needs to be hashed out more as to what kind of Hackintosh questions should be allowed and not (These are my opinions and are subject to change):
If you're running an Hackintosh and you have a question about OS X it shouldn't matter. Figuring out how to get a piece of hardware to work - I don't know as it has a lot of merits but at the same time the chance of a lot of unanswered too localized questions is high - I say let them be for now.
Howto questions aren't acceptable and I've found the majority far too localized to be useful. Apple.SE should not be the place for them.
What about running Mac OS X on unsupported Apple-branded computers (eg. Apple TV or older models)? I think this is fine - the internet ends up being the unsupported's support but it's not a far jump to any hardware and normal Hackintoshes.