I think there should be a tag that can be used for questions that are about using apple's adapters, e.g. ethernet to thunderbolt for example.
Questions that might benefit:
Can I charge a MacBook Pro 2016 with a MacBook power adapter?
How to use 3rd-party USB Ethernet adapter with El Capitan
How can I troubleshoot or reset a Thunderbolt Ethernet adapter?
Magsafe to USB-C converter for charging Macbook Pro 2016
Can one buy an Ethernet and HDMI Thunderbolt adapter?
Apple USB ethernet adapter is not detected
Does gigabit ethernet to thunderbolt adapter work with old ethernet?
Do any USB 3.0 to Gigabit Ethernet adapter work with OS X?
Mac screen goes off and on after HDMI to VGA adapter is connected - no image
Force OS X to use Bluetooth dongle instead of built in controller