While I can't speak directly for the sub-culture of the Ask Different site, I don't feel that either question is suitable for the site.
Both of these questions are nothing more than lists (or requests for lists) and badly maintained ones at that. Specifically, the question you refer to which is still open:
Which OS X Applications do you find indispensable?
Is "Not Constructive". How many of you really have all 210 applications installed on your Mac? Furthermore, what is indispensable for one is almost certainly not for another. The problem where a majority of answers to the question are not selectable as being right. A handful of well intentioned answers can be read and digested in a short period of time. You can see how hard it is to get even through the first page of answers. The rest are effectively buried. Well intentioned or not, these large questions have problems of scale that don't afflict small targeted questions.
On top of that, the highest voted answer, DropBox isn't even an application, it's a website which has an application for the platform.
Both of them should be closed as "Not Constructive". Like the book list questions that are very contentious on Stack Overflow (to say the least), they might be valuable, and they might have a place on the Internet, but that place isn't here.
Questions of this sort simply do not fit the format or vision of this site.