This kind of thing is very common on Ask Different when a change occurs with something within the scope of the site. It begins with a reasonable question on the subject, and thanks to SE's very high SERP rank, is the #1 result for many search queries.
People then post 'me too' answers, either because they want to participate in the question so that they believe they can be updated when the question is updated (like some forums do, unaware of the 'favourite' feature), or simply because they want to express that they are experiencing the same problem.
Especially with the topic of Clash of Clans, where the stereotypical demographic of the general user base usually results with low quality posts, the situation is extenuated, but the same thing happens with other topics as well.
Downvote, comment and flag the posts. If you have >10k, protect the question to prevent further answers, and vote to delete the posts if you have >20k.