I don’t see the site needing legitimacy from a name and haven’t heard of professionals avoiding it since the design was set to make it attractive for experts and professionals to be welcome so they can provide great answers. Any name change at this point would cause much more confusion IMO since the name is quite established.
Unless there’s formal agreement that Apple would let their brand be used (which would shock me, but you don’t know until the lawyers and business people talk) I would expect we couldn’t use any Apple trademark here for prominent branding.
Apple’s current trademark guidelines help form my option on this proposal being a non-starter.
Web Sites: Web sites that serve only as noncommercial electronic informational forums concerning an Apple product or technology may use the appropriate Apple word mark, provided such use complies with the guidelines set forth in Section 3 above.
Since this is a commercial web site that sells advertisements and under the umbrella of a for profit corporation, we don’t seem to fit under the Magazine and Web Site clause but the company lawyers would need to give us a ruling on this.
I’d say vote for this if you think we should keep things as they are. I did vote up your question since discussion and new ideas are welcome, just I’m a “no” for now.