IMHO you are reading too much into bmike's feedback, the main intention probably was to explain the hold by pointing out that there are different ways to read that question.
Looking at it more broadly, What topics can I ask about here? explains that this site is about practical problems you are trying to solve as a user of Apple products and associated software/hardware/services. Also, it specifically mentions that we expect users to "refrain from asking about [...] how/why Apple does something" because "specific questions about what Apple [did|does|thinks|might do] are not helpful in a Q&A setting since they lack a practical problem to be solved".
As most other rules, this one is open for debate and can be changed if a majority of the community agrees.
Specifically for your question though, it's hard to see the practical problem to be solved, and it will attract a lot of opinion-based answers. But there is Retrocomputing which specifically lists questions about computing history to be on-topic. It might be an option to ask the question there.