I asked this question on Ask Different:
I'm looking for one of these types of stylish MacBook keyboard skins [see image in original], but I don't want any of the keys marked. I just want blank keys, without letters/symbols. Do any such products exist?
In my opinion, this question is not at all related to customer support (it's directly related to Apple hardware) and it's not opinion-based (it's not as if I'm asking for the prettiest keyboard skin), yet it's on hold for being a basic customer support question. Yet now it's on hold:
Basic Customer Support or questions asking to recommend or find off-site resources (Mac/book/software/tutorial) are off-topic for Ask Different as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, edit to clearly describe your problem and the research done so far to solve it.
I feel like both my problem and research done so far are clearly described, and I know this question isn't going to generate opinionated answers; how can a "this product exists, here is proof" answer be opinionated?