I tend to agree with this answer by @daviesgeek and this answer by @jaume (minus the legality argument). Both make, what I consider, valid points about the types of questions that will be asked if hackintosh questions are allowed.
At a very simplistic level, I see this as breaking down to 2 main points:
- Almost every hackintosh question will be very specific and very unique to the individual questioner.
- It will ultimately devolve into "will this configuration work...?" or "how do I build...?" questions and there are already good sites for that.
EDIT (10/23/16): In support of my point above, here's a perfect example of the types of questions that, I believe, we'll be flooded with if the prohibition is lifted.
The first sentence of What topics can I ask here? really boils down why this SE site exists: "Ask Different is for users of Apple products." A hackintosh is not an Apple product (before you argue with me on the semantics of "what is an Apple product?", the most basic answer is "products made by Apple").
Right now, I really like this site because every question & answer I see can apply to hundreds or thousands of other people. They can have the same hardware/software/version and the application of the answer(s) have broad appeal. Once we start accepting very limited, almost singularly-focused, questions, we lose the broad-base. Sure, it will help the person asking the question but the odds are very high that it will only help that person and none other. If that's where we, the community, and SE, the owners, want to focus our efforts then that's ok; we just need to be aware of the potential downside to doing that.
Regarding my point #2, almost every hackintosh question I've seen in my time here has had some part of this mix-and-match type of question. There could be 1, 10, or a 100 reasons why the OPs particular mix of parts will not work and that could lead us down the a road for days before we realize that where we are has nothing to do with the lone Apple OS they're using. Once again, while it might help that one OP that one time, it's probably not going to help others at any time (I said 'probably' so please don't accuse me of saying 'never').
I think where the mods and community are now has taken is a very good place and it helps more people in its current state that it will if changed for this, specific reason.