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dwightk's user avatar
dwightk's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
Why did the voting buttons change to this horrible design?
looks like they've fixed that... was super subtle this morning and now it is a completely filled in black circle...
What do we do with 'useless old questions'?
I see a little bit of value in (some of the) unresolved questions like this in that you can at least know that someone else had the issue when you search.
Is StackExchange supposed to be so hostile?
I’ve occasionally read some replies as hostile but after consideration realized they were probably better categorized as brusque. Like I personally try to answer a with a little less edge, but it doesn’t cross any lines.
90's style theme on Ask Different!
as far as I can tell the guestbook isn't real... unless there are like 4 or 5 people posting the same 4 or 5 posts over and over. My post showed up and scrolled away and never bounced back into the rotation.
Let's support Dark Mode!
Sounds like it’s about time!
How to thank an Ask Different user that saved my MacBook Pro, as well as my personal finances from destruction?
I wonder if mods could go in and mark that as the accepted answer since it doesn't look like the asker is coming back...
How can we reduce the size of a image, while editing?
seems to work for me for an image I uploaded today
Most Active Contributors Discontinued?
I think I saw in chat (or an old meta post I’m not seeing right now) that monomeeth was both busy in January and working on a yearly contributor post that was taking longer than usual.
How do I ask a question so I can increase my "reputation score"? This seems impossible for a genuine user
yeah, I find the cost of a downvote really hinders the horde... unfortunately it also sometimes makes people too hesitant to downvote, but that's less of a problem
How do I ask a question so I can increase my "reputation score"? This seems impossible for a genuine user
just so you know, you can also answer questions to increase your reputation. Here's a good place to start in the Help pages
Make our badges Apple shaped
This seems better than “not quite” an Apple logo.
false duplicate marking
I've added an answer to the canonical answer that might be a little more palatable to those that want to avoid the terminal.
false duplicate marking
the question was asked by a different user
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